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Description: 一个P2P网络电话的C++Builder源码-a P2P network telephone C Builder FOSS
Platform: | Size: 157667 | Author: han | Hits:


Description: 用Borlan C++ Builder创建 基于Internet的P2P技术-with Borlan C Builder to create Internet-based peer-to-peer technology
Platform: | Size: 2930 | Author: 王一凡 | Hits:


Description: c++builder点对点(P2P)多线程断点续传的实现
Platform: | Size: 59494 | Author: 262972161@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 用Borlan C++ Builder创建 基于Internet的P2P技术-with Borlan C Builder to create Internet-based peer-to-peer technology
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 王一凡 | Hits:


Description: 1.程序采用网上介绍的方法实现最基本的P2P方式通讯.模拟实现即时消息互发. 2.P2P通讯说明: 1).网关类型是在理想状态下.即非对称型NAT. 2).同在一个内网的两个CLIENT端通讯时,如果网关NAT不支持环回,将会失败. 文件目录说明: tQServer:程序服务端,请将其放在公网上运行. tQClient:程序客户端,可以在不同的内网中运行登录连接到服务端. Common:公共协议文件夹. 本程序只是实现简单的-1. Online procedures introduced by the most basic method of peer-to-peer communication. Simulation made instant messaging each other. 2.P2P communications Note : 1). Gateway is the ideal type of state. That is non-symmetric NAT. 2). With one in the net within two CLIENT- communication, if not support NAT Gateway Circular, will fail. directory : tQServer :-service procedures, I would be grateful if the public on its Internet. tQClient : clients, in different operations within the network login to connect to the server. Common : Public folder agreement. this procedure is a simple realization
Platform: | Size: 546816 | Author: 许悦 | Hits:


Description: 一个P2P网络电话的C++Builder源码-a P2P network telephone C Builder FOSS
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: han | Hits:

[VOIP programVSessP2P

Description: 语音通信控件点对点专用版简介 VSession语音通信控件点对点专用版,版本2.0,此版本集成了G729A压缩算法,实时传输协议,话音清晰流畅!使用简单方便!此控件是在本人以前发布的控件VSession2.0版本的基础上,加入点对点通信时的呼叫,应答,挂断等通话前后的同步功能,使其用于点对点通信更加方便!如果您想要在程序中自定义点对点间的通话联系方式,或者有一对多,多对多的语音通话的需求,请您下载使用VSession2.0版本控件即可;也可直接发邮件到csqmailbox@163.com索取控件及相关开发手册! VSession语音通信控件适用于:VC++,VB, NET平台,C++Builder,DELPHI,.或网页应用程序等。您只要先在系统中注册控件(双击开发包中的文件“安装.bat"可完成控件的注册)然后在各种开发环境下就可以像使用一般控件一样地方便地使用了。本控件附带了详细的使用说明和多个平台的示例程序,打开示例程序前,请先在系统中注册控件! -err
Platform: | Size: 329728 | Author: Chsq | Hits:


Description: 本源代码实现了用C++ builder设计一个基于Tcp/Ip协议的点到点的通信系统,其中包括点到点用户聊天控件、简单文件传输控件、客户端协议、服务器端协议等。-Source code using C++ Builder based on the design of a Tcp/Ip protocol point-to-point communication systems, including point-to-point users to chat control, a simple file transfer control, the client agreement, server-side agreements.
Platform: | Size: 530432 | Author: 扬扬 | Hits:


Description: 一款在国外评价极高并且相当流行的P2P软件(简称Raza),它集合了eDonkey、Guntella(1和2)和BT四种流行P2P网络类型,并可以用于Http下载,在以后的版本将会支持FTP下载,由于其优秀的界面(支持换肤)、简洁的操作以及极强的可制定性,所以在国外广为流传,其评价已跃居所有P2P软件的前5之列,并且许多P2P的下载站点已将其指定为BT的官方下载工具! Raza为完全免费的软件,并且官方承诺保证不含有任何间谍软件和广告软件,如果您发现任何可疑问题,请向官方报告-A very high rating in foreign countries and has been reasonably popular P2P software (Raza), it combines the eDonkey, Guntella (1 and 2) and BT four popular P2P network type, and can be used to Http download, in a future version will will support FTP downloads, because of its excellent interface (skin support), simple operation and can develop very strong, so popular in foreign countries, and its evaluation of all the P2P software has leapt to the Top 5 list, and many P2P download sites have been designated as the official BT download tool! Raza is a completely free software, and official commitment to ensure that do not contain any spyware and adware, if you find anything suspicious, please report to the official
Platform: | Size: 373760 | Author: liuyan | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4myIPTV

Description: H.264 P2P视频播放客户端C++ Builder源码例子-H.264 P2P
Platform: | Size: 1026048 | Author: Terry | Hits:


Description: 简单的C#视频系统源代码,VS2008工程,可实现一对一、一对多的语音、视频和文字的交流,可以用来开发视频会议系统,语音视频聊天系统,语音质量和视频效果均不错,支持P2P网络传输,可以直接集成到现有的项目中。 -Simple video system source code C#, VS2008 project, can achieve one to one, one to many voice, video and text communication, can be used to develop video conferencing systems, voice and video chat, voice quality and video effects are good, support the P2P network transmission, can be directly integrated into existing projects.
Platform: | Size: 1549312 | Author: nerrad | Hits:


Description: 文件名 aocx2.ocx, P2P 语音传输模块,可以穿越 100 防火墙,其中有 80 数据不通过服务器,极大减轻服务器压力,RTP协议,所需带宽 2KB,延迟200ms以下。语音清晰,可商用。 可用于ASP, JSP, .NET, VB, Delphi, Vc++, C++Builder, PB等各种开发语言的程序中。 -File Name aocx2.ocx, P2P voice transmission module, can pass through the firewall 100 , of which 80 of the data is not through the server, which greatly reduce the server stress, RTP protocol, the bandwidth required for 2KB, delay 200ms or less. Clear voice, can be commercial. Can be used in ASP, JSP,. NET, VB, Delphi, Vc++, C++ Builder, PB, and other development languages ​ ​ program.
Platform: | Size: 822272 | Author: 刘宝 | Hits:

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